Code Of Ethics
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In conducting our business and striving to meet our corporate aims, MTY’s Employees, Directors and anyone acting on our behalf will adopt the following principles (the “Ethics Policy”):
- Exercise honesty and diligence in performing your duties and undertaking your responsibilities;
- Maintain high standards of integrity, morality and competence while maintaining the confidentiality of Company information where required or in the Company’s interests;
- Not contravene laws and relevant regulations in the conduct of your duties;
- Not enter into any activity that may result in a conflict of interest with the Company;
- Not accept anything of value which could be described as an inducement or which could impair your judgement;
- Not use the Company’s confidential information for personal gain;
- Transparency is key; all relevant and material information should be communicated to senior management;
- Not act in a manner that could discredit the Company;
- Be loyal in all matters affecting the Company, including matters relating to customers and others with whom the Company has a commercial relationship;
- Conflicts of interest must be avoided or, if unavoidable, carefully managed. In all cases they must be disclosed to senior management and discussed openly, promptly and straightforwardly, and documented in writing;
- Any potential participation on the board of directors of another company should be approved by the CEO before accepting such position;
- The Company’s assets, whether in physical or intangible form, are to be used primarily for legitimate Company business purposes, Employees may not use Company assets for personal gain or personal business, nor may they allow any other person, not employed or authorized by MTY, to use them.
- Treat all co-workers, clients, and visitors in a courteous manner.
- Refrain from behaviour or conduct considered offensive or undesirable.
- Refrain from engaging in any activity, practice or act which conflicts with, or appears to conflict with, the interest of MTY.
- Speak for themselves – all Employees have the right and a responsibility to make their superior aware of their concerns (i.e. harassment, health & safety issues, etc.).
- Dress appropriately to the work environment.
- Perform assigned tasks efficiently, in accordance with established standards.
- Report for scheduled work on time and, if unable to do so, give notice as soon as possible.
All Employees are required to be familiar with the above Ethics Policy and apply it in their everyday work. Failure by any Employee to comply with the Ethics Policy may result in disciplinary action including, where appropriate, dismissal. Employees must report unethical behaviour to either Authorized Signing Officer or senior management or if deemed necessary, to a member of the board of directors.